

Winter White Drawf Hamsters

     Winter White(WW's) are a breed of drawf hamsters, that are 8-10cm when full grown. The Dwarf Winter White Russian originates from Eastern Kazakhstan and South West Siberia. Also known as the Siberian Hamster, Winter White are often mistaken as Russian Campbells(RC's) because they look the same and are both from the same region. Even thought WW's are like brothers to R.C's they are not related in any way, so be careful when buying a WW or a RC, make sure you know which one is which one. WW's are aslo called Winter White because their fur turns white in winter time.

 A Winter White's Personalities

     Winter Whites are sweet, cute, and fast. Since they are drawves the love running and are quite fast. Out of all the drawves a WW is probably the calmest. WW's need lots of space to run around, so your WW(s)should have a nice big cage.
Since WW's are very smart you have to extra careful with them, when letting your WW(s)out make sure you are also ready to grad him/her.
Since WW's are social you should have get them in a pair. They are much more happied in pairs and it'd much nicer to have 2 hamsters then 1! Most people only buy one WW, but if you can buy 2! WW's are higly recommended for first time oweners and if you want a holding hamster a WW isn't for you. But some Winter Whites are fine being held, so not all of them are not holding hamsters. They are also most higly recommended for people 10 years or older.

So if you want a hamster to watch and make you laughe than a WW is for you!

Cages and other item a Winter White needs